
2020年5月17日—Allaremeasuredinsecondswithmillisecondresolution.$request_time–Fullrequesttime,startingwhenNGINXreadsthefirstbytefromthe ...,2017年9月15日—Inthelogyoucanseethattheupstream_response_time=0.005meansservertook5millisecondstoservethatperticularrequest.6yearsagoby ...,2013年8月21日—Youcanwrite$msecand$request_timetotheloganduse$msec-$request_timeasthestarttimewhenparsing.Share.,$reque...

How to config NGINX logging for Application Performance ...

2020年5月17日 — All are measured in seconds with millisecond resolution. $request_time – Full request time, starting when NGINX reads the first byte from the ...

How to log Application Response Time with Nginx

2017年9月15日 — In the log you can see that the upstream_response_time=0.005 means server took 5 milliseconds to serve that perticular request. 6 years ago by ...

How to log the start time of a request in Nginx

2013年8月21日 — You can write $msec and $request_time to the log and use $msec - $request_time as the start time when parsing. Share.

Module ngx_http_log_module

$request_time: request processing time in seconds with a milliseconds resolution; time elapsed between the first bytes were read from the client and the log ...

Nginx $request_time and $upstream_response_time in ...

2013年1月29日 — First do a GET request to your server and watch log file. Notice how much time it really takes to finish the call and add log info into file - ...

Nginx log with request time and upstream response time

Nginx log with request time and upstream response time. Configuration of log format: log_format timed_combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] ' '$ ...

Nginx 紀錄每個request 的時間

2016年11月15日 — Nginx 紀錄每個request 的時間Nginx 預設log_format 就 ... access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log combinedtime; ... Logging elapse time in apache and ...

Using NGINX Logging for Application Performance ...

2016年1月7日 — $request_time – Full request time, starting when NGINX reads the first byte from the client and ending when NGINX sends the last byte of the ...

为Nginx 启用带请求消耗时间的access log

2018年6月11日 — 默认情况下,Nginx 的access log 是不会显示请求时间(request time)的,这需要我们给它的配置文件自定义一下log format。 编辑/etc/nginx/nginx.